From Hoole History and Heritage Society



Regiment: 16th Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment

Rank: Second Lieutenant


Died: 6 October 1917

Aged: 23

Buried/ Memorial: Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium

Address: 'Moulson House', Hoole Road, Hoole

Chester Chronicle 20 October 1917


Second Lieut. F.P. Tasker, Warwickshire Regiment, whose death from wounds was reported in last week’s “Chronicle”. The Secretary of State for War has expressed his great sympathy with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tasker, in their great sorrow. Second Lieut. Tasker was 23 years of age, was educated at Hawarden County School, and was a pre(?)ium apprentice at Sandycroft Foundry. He served in the Cheshire Territorials until he took a commission.

The Rev. W. L. Archer, chaplain to the Forces, writing to Mr W.W. Tasker says, - “My dear Mr. Tasker, - You will have before this the very sad news. Your son did not rally, but kept sinking and on Saturday evening passed quietly away. It must have been the effects of shock rather than of the wounds themselves. He had little pain, but seemed to be just used up. We have laid his body to rest in our cemetery where a cross will mark his grave. I am glad to be able to assure you that everything possible was done for him. It is something that his last hours could be spent in a comfortable ward and with little suffering. I know what a blow it must be to you, but I know also what your pride must be. The greater the sacrifice, the more the honour, the bravery involved. Because our men are invaluably dear, their offering and devotion must bring us to success. May God give him rest in His Paradise and Himself be your comfort and strength. – Yours sincerely, W. L. Archer



Yesterday (Friday), Mr. W.W. Tasker received the following sympathetic letter from his son’s company officer:- “Dear Mr. Tasker, - You will by the time you receive this letter have been notified of the death in action of your son, Second Lieut. Tasker. I am writing to ask you to accept my deepest sympathy with you in your sorrow. His long fighting experience, his gift of leadership, and his personal bravery made him a very valuable officer. His Loss to the company is most keenly felt. Words of consolation are almost impossible to write, but you may obtain some little from the nature of his death through which one may perhaps learn the lesson of submission and hope. My present painful duty is but a repetition of many similar, and I number with your son most of my friends. Those of us that remain will struggle on with sterner resolve that the willing self-sacrifice of our heroes shall not be in vain. – I am yours obediently, L. Sayer (Capt.)

F P Tasker was originally in the B Company 5th Battalion Cheshire Regiment arriving in France on 14 February 1915. He was commissioned as a Temporary 2nd Lieutenant in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment on 29th May 1917.

The 1911 Census shows him as a 16-year-old schoolboy, living at 'Moulson House', Hoole Road with father William, mother Amelie, brother Eric and domestic servant Jane Nield.