The War Memorial on Hoole Road, dedicated on 1 April 1923, is familiar to us all, but there are a few less well known relics from WW2 to be found around Hoole. A pair of type Fw3/26 emplacements guard the old Roman route to the north, one at Mannings Lane and the other just off the Warrington Road. On the corner of Waverley Terrace and Ermine Road there is a very faded "EWS" sign indicating the this was the site of an "Emergency Water Supply". Emergency water supplies were laid in many towns and cities to provide a source of water for extinguishing fires and incendiary bombs, should the main supplies be damaged. Many forms of pipe were used, from 6-inch iron pipes laid along gutters, to concrete shuttered trenches and canvas pipes in a metal frame. The cross-section may have been round, rectangular or square. In this case the arrow, now almost impossible to see, appears to point towards the railway or possibly even Flookersbrook (the stream).
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