From Hoole History and Heritage Society


Regiment: 6 Bn South Wales Borderers

Rank: Private

Number: 40710

Died: 17 October 1918

Aged: 32

Buried/ Memorial: Hautmont Comm Cemetery Mauberge

Address: 84 Westminster Road, Hoole

Cheshire Observer 10 August 1918


Mrs Sumpter 84 Westminster Road Chester has received news that her husband Private Jas Sumpter, South Wales Borderers is a prisoner of war in Germany.

According to Red Cross records James was in 4 Platoon A Company of the 6th Battalion SWB and had been “missing” since 8 April 1918.”

The 1911 Census shows James as an 18-year-old plasterer’s apprentice living at 42 Westminster Road together with father James, mother Annie, brothers William (who served in Egypt and Salonika), Albert and Earnest and sisters Jessie, Nellie and Winifred.