
From Hoole History and Heritage Society
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    • mainpage|Home
    • Category: Society Meetings|Meetings
    • Category: Development|What/where is Hoole
    • Category: Religion|Religion in Hoole & Newton
    • Category: Recreation|Leisure & Recreation in Hoole
    • Category: War|Wartime Hoole
    • Category: Social Welfare|Hoole Social Welfare
    • Category: Public Services|Public Services
    • Category: Streets|Streets of Hoole & Newton
    • Category: Education|Hoole Education
    • Category: Railways|Hoole and the Railways
    • Category: Place|Places & Routes in Hoole
    • Category: Trades|Retail & Trades
    • Category: People|People of Hoole
    • Category: Family History|Family History
    • History of the Society|History of the Society
    • Category: Annual Report|Chairman's Annual Reports
    • Category: Newsletter|Newsletters
    • Category: SiteIndex|Site Index
    • Category: War Casualties|War Remembrance
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    • Special:Contact|Contact Us