From Hoole History and Heritage Society

JONES, Samuel Arthur

Regiment: 2 Bn. Grenadier Guards

Rank: Guardsman

Number: 15061

Died: 17 September 1914


Buried/Memorial: Les Gonards Versailles

Address: 70 William Street, Hoole

Cheshire Observer 26 September 1914


Mrs C Coventry 70 William Street Hoole has received a War Office notification per the Grenadier Guards Orderly Room, that her son, Private S A Jones 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards, has died from wounds received in action on the 17th Sept. Private Jones joined the Cheshire Police Force in January last and left the training depot at Hoole in March when he was sent to Hazel Grove. He left the Force at the beginning of July. He was only 22 years of age and is well spoken of. Many friends in Hoole and others who knew him during his short service in the Police Force will regret to learn of his fate.

The 1911 Census shows Samuel as an 18-year-old recruit in the Grenadier Guards at the Guards Depot at Caterham, Surrey. In 1901 he is aged 9 at 33 William Street Hoole with his mother Charlotte, brother William, sisters Edith, Charlotte and Elizabeth and Uncle Fred Pemberton.

As far as we have been able to establish so far Samuel was Hoole & Newton’s first casualty of The Great War.